Gallowbraid - Eathern Throne - Ashen Eidolon MCD - 17/09/2010

La compilation "Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer" inclut un morceau de Gallowbraid. J'aime beaucoup ce morceau. Gallowbraid est l'oeuvre de Jack Rogers, qui compose et joue toute sa musique (à l'exception de la batterie jouée par Alex Rogers et bien sûr de la voix féminine). Le MCD de Gallowbraid s'appelle "Ashen Eidolon" et sort le 17 septembre. 
The compilation "Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer" includes a track by Gallowbraid. I love this song. Gallowbraid is the work of Jack Rogers who composes and plays the entire music (with the exception of the battery played by Alex Rogers and of course of the female voice). Gallowbraid's MCD is entitled "Ashen Eidolon" and will be released september the 17th.

Gallowbraid - Eathern Throne - Ashen Eidolon MCD - 17/09/2010 Gallowbraid - Eathern Throne - Ashen Eidolon MCD - 17/09/2010 Reviewed by Concerts expos by Pat on juillet 11, 2010 Rating: 5

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