Phil Mogg and the Sign of 4 - Dancing with St Peter
Lors du concert de UFO mardi dernier à Paris (voir le compte rendu ici), j'ai acheté le CD de "Mogg and the Sign of 4" qui s'appelle "Dancing with St Peter". Phil Mogg chante divinement et les compositions sont très bonnes. Si vous aimez UFO n'hésitez pas. N'hésitez pas de toutes manières.
Ecoutez des extraits ici : Mogg and Sign of 4Last Thuesday at the UFO gig (see report with this link), I bought the CD by "Mogg and the Sign of 4" titled "Dancing with St Peter". Phil Mogg sings really good and the songs are beautiful.If you lile UFo do not hesitate. Do not hesitate whatever. Some extracts here : Mogg and Sign of 4
Phil Mogg and the Sign of 4 - Dancing with St Peter
Reviewed by Concerts expos by Pat
mai 07, 2010
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