Primordial - Playlist - Flowers from Exile by Rome
La liste d'écoute de AAN, chanteur de Primordial, inclut "Flowers from Exile" by Rome. Je vous invite à découvrir ce CD. Jérôme Reuter de Rome a écrit de belles chansons de folk sombre ravivant la mémoire de la guerre civile espagnole (1936-1939) et l'avènement de la dictature de Franco, poussant de nombreux espagnols à choisir l'exil. "Flowers from Exile" traite de thèmes comme la solitude, la mémoire, les regrets et le renoncement.
The current playlist of AAN, singer from Primordial, includes "Flowers in Exile" by Rome. I invit you to listen to this CD. Jérôme Reuter from Rome has written some beautiful dark folk songs reminding us from the Spanish Civil war (1936-1939) and the dictatorship with Franco, leading many spanish women and men to choose exile. "Flowers from Exile" deals with the themes like solitude, memories, regrets and renunciation.
Primordial - Playlist - Flowers from Exile by Rome
Reviewed by Concerts expos by Pat
février 12, 2010
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