Saturnus - Saturn in Ascension - Album Review

Saturnus is a Danish band playing Melancholic Doom Metal. "Saturn in Ascension" is their 4th album. Once again, they release a highly recommended album.

For those who do not know this band yet, well the story started back in 1991. The band played Death Metal at the beginning and then it turned to Melancholic Doom Metal in 1994.
I follow Saturnus since 1998 (the release of their EP "For the Loveless Lonely Nights"). I love all their stuff. I saw them live in Paris in 2008. They rule.

... over the World!

So what's up with the band today? Saturnus releases its 4th fulll length album, "Saturn In Ascension", this time with label Cyclone Empire. The album has been recorded once again with producer Flemming Rasmussen. I had the chance to listen to the stuff and I can tell you this is some brilliant production and a killer album, with all the songs equally full of emotions and feelings.In "Saturn In Ascension", Saturnus is respectful of the elements that have defined the sound of the band : the music is melodic, atmospheric, melancholic and the lyrics deal with sorrow, loss and death. One will also find here the perfect blend of doom metal songs and neo-folk ballads. Some songs are really heavy, slow, with powerful riffs ("Litany Of Rain", "Mourning Sun", "Forest Of Insomnia"). Some songs are very sorrowful ("A Lonely Passage", "Call Of The Raven Moon").
The guitar harmonies by Rune Stiassny are beautiful, emotive and intense, while respecting the brandmak of the band by playing with few selected tones. One will appreciate once again the incredible weeping guitar ("Wind Torn") and some sublime soli ("Forest of Insomnia").
Thomas delivers a perfect blend of growls and clean vocals all through the album.
Once will immediately recongnize Saturnus' sound, yet the band has added some new very interesting elements. On "A Lonely Passage", there is a backing vocal with male voice that is quite unusual. Then Laurie Ann Haus includes some brilliant singing. There is a cello part at the end of the song "Between".
I've listened to the album already five times and I do discover new sensations each time.
I highly recommend you to listen to this album and, if not yet, to this band.

Without people no music
During an interview by metalscript, the singer Thomas A.G. Jensen said : "without people no music". I do agree so I will finish this review with two important informations:
- The album will be released on the 30th of November 2012. Well, if you like the stuff, you know what to do (here);
- In 2013, Saturnus will celebrate their 20th year anniversary. If you have the chance to see them, then go and show up to the gig, because these guys rule!

Tracklist :

01. Litany Of Rain
02. Wind Torn
03. A Lonely Passage
04. A Fathers Providence
05. Mourning Sun
06. Call Of The Raven Moon
07. Forest Of Insomnia
08. Between
09. Limbs Of Crystal Clear *
*remastered Demo-Track from 1994; Bonustrack on ltd. first edition Digi-CD & DLP

These is a track of the album :

Saturnus - Saturn in Ascension - Album Review Saturnus - Saturn in Ascension - Album Review Reviewed by Concerts expos by Pat on novembre 16, 2012 Rating: 5

1 commentaire

Milena a dit…

Thanks fora a great playlist and an interesting post. My favorite is definitely Mourning Sun.
Please check out this doom metal band Bell Witch. You might also like it.